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Monaco Energy Boat Challenge 2023: the sustainable future of boating

From July 5-8, the wonderful setting of the Principality of Monaco will host the 10th edition of the Monaco Energy Boat Challenge: an increasingly important event that brings together professionals and students from around the world to explore innovative and sustainable solutions in the boating industry.

46 teams from as many as 25 countries will take part in the 10th edition of the event organized by the Yacht Club de Monaco, a record-breaking number representing a wide range of participants, including 31 renowned universities, world-renowned shipyards and cutting-edge technology companies.

Monaco Energy Boat Challenge 2023

With the support of the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation, as well as Credit Suisse, Bmw and Sbm Offshore, the event offers a unique opportunity for key players in the boating industry to present their latest innovations and promote the adoption of alternative energy sources.

The goal remains to stimulate creativity to design eco-friendly propulsion systems and share the experiences and knowledge acquired – says Bernard d’Alessandri, General Secretary of the Yacht Club de Monaco.

Indeed, the theme revolving around the Monaco Energy Boat Challenge 2023 is precisely to stimulate creativity and foster the design of environmentally friendly propulsion systems. The event provides an ideal platform for the exchange of experience and knowledge between professionals and engineering students, creating a unique synergy that promotes collaboration and innovation.

Monaco Energy Boat Challenge 2023Actually, the Monaco Energy Boat Challenge started on Thursday 15th June with the first Live Career Day, which allowed participants to make contacts and network with industry professionals. On that occasion, major companies such as Palumbo SY Refit, Comarbel, Vita Power, Sealence, and SBM Offshore presented their companies and job offers to potential applicants. The recruiters highlighted the importance of curiosity and passion, in addition to technical skills, in the selection of candidates.

Evidence of curiosity is a key quality when applying to us, as well as being convinced of the role electric propulsion can play in the future for yachting“, says Leonard David, CEO of Comarbel. “We need a high skill level but also personalities who are not afraid of a challenge and enjoy working as a team,” adds Eleonora d’Ermo from Palumbo SY Refit.

See the job offers available at the Energy Boat Challenge

In addition to job offers, the Monaco Energy Boat Challenge 2023 will also be an innovative showcase to present the latest advances in greener energy solutions. For example, renowned Italian shipyard Sanlorenzo has developed a 10m long hydrogen-powered foiling boat which will be used for the next America’s Cup.

Indeed, hydrogen will be at the heart of the 4th Roundtable (Friday 7th July) organized by the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation, Mission for Energy Transition and YCM. Hydrogen is at the heart of the 10th edition with seven teams using this energy source this year.

New this year is the SeaLab set up in the YCM Marina where visitors can see avant-garde projects, prototypes and demonstrators, including non-CE certificated boats competing in the Open Sea Class like the Hydro Motion Team, a Dutch boat from TU Delft University who are intent on beating the endurance records.

Monaco Energy Boat Challenge 2023

Another innovative aspect of the event is the Monaco E-Boat Rally. Organized in partnership with Aqua superPower, it gathers a record number of electric powered boats on the market to demonstrate their potential the yachting context. Participants have come from all over Europe such as Evoy & Performance Marine (Norway), Xshore & Candela (Sweden), Lasai (Spain), Hydro Impulse (Austria), Comarbel (France), VAMP Marine (Holland), EDYN (Slovenia), Lanéva (Monaco), Vita (United Kingdom) and the Italians of Sealance with El-Iseo from the Ferretti Group.

Also new this year is the first E-Dock, a pontoon equipped with AC (Alternative Current) and DC (Direct Current) chargers capable of recharging 20+ boats at the same time with a fast reliable supply.

As part of the collective ‘Monaco, Capital of Advanced Yachting’ approach, the Monaco Energy Boat Challenge continues to assert its position as a key player in the environmental transition. Its contribution in fostering innovation and pushing the maritime industry toward a cleaner and more eco-friendly future, is concrete proof that the future is already here.

All that remains is to wait for the show to finally begin.

Read the full programme

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