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The International Yachting Media Digest

Issue 7 of THE INTERNATIONAL YACHTING MEDIA DIGEST, the free and interactive multimedia quarterly magazine – published by the publishing house of the same name – devoted entirely to the world of high-end yachting, is now online.

Click here to read the English edition

Click here to read the Italian edition


The publication brings online all the beauty of the printed page, offering users the pleasure of traditional browsing, with the added benefit of allowing in-depth analysis of the topics proposed with videos and interactive links.


The International Yachting Media Digest, accessible as always free of charge, is available in Italian and English and generates around 500,000 views per issue.

The new issue is a “special edition” that stands out particularly for the richness of its pagination, 500 pages of pure content without advertisements. In line with the publisher’s digital approach, images are given a starring role. Evocative shots published in large size to keep intact the emotion that has always accompanied the reading of a glossy magazine.

The International Yachting Media Digest features contents produced by the editorial staff, articles, interviews, sea trials of boats, videos, and in-depth technical information, all of which can be accessed from the interactive index that links directly to the pages of interest.


The digital philosophy of the magazine and the publisher is emphasised in a few passages of the editorial by Luca D’ambrosio, Editor-in-Chief and CEO of the publishing house: “…let’s try to analyse the last twelve months in a different, objective light. A year is passing that has been worth ten in terms of development and awareness. 

A year that has forced even the most reluctant to move away from immobility, from the rents of position and that, obtorto collo, has also pushed the companies and the people to understand that it is in the change that can exist the well-being and that it is in the immobility that vice versa is mortgaged their future. 

A digital culture that, as an unparalleled synonym of freedom of expression, also brings with it a regime of free competition that is self-regulating and that brings enormous benefits, both to consumers who can control and buy consciously, and to companies that will no longer suffer from a regime of unfair competition that puts those who invest and those who are just improvising on the same level”.


The magazine is divided into sections, including sea trials, which are worth the most space, boat supplies testing, the latest from the boat shows, the boat market and the designers section.

Particularly important in this issue are the sea trials, highlighted on the cover, of the Sessa Fly 68, the Absolute Navetta 64, the Evo 86, the Superocean 58, the Ice 54, the Kufner 50, the Prince 50, the Sacs Rebel 47, the Magazzu Targa 45, the GS 44 performance, the Flipper 900 DC and the Ranieri Next 285 LX and Cayman 230 sport.
In the designer section interviews with Davide Cipriani, designer of the Filippetti S 55 and Sergio Cutolo for Hydro Tec’s Vanguard.


The International Yachting Media was founded in 2014 by Luca D’Ambrosio, a digital start-ups incubator, who at the time saw an opportunity in digital technology for the yachting market.
From the outset, the publisher set out to develop an innovative and unique model, proposing an approach based the free global news broadcasting, a digital multi-channel, web and social system designed for the nautical and luxury market, a sector that certainly wishes to communicate at global level, reaching an audience of readers with high spending power.
The publishing group publishes 6 Magazines, the “Online Pilot Book” and the very famous “Virtual Boat Show“.

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