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CMC Marine at the Superyachts Technology Show

CMC Marine was invited to the event dedicated to superyachts, industry figures and innovative technologies, with market demands and forecasts.

Special debut in Barcelona for CMC Marine, invited to take part in the Superyachts Technology Show & Conference 2022, a two-day event dedicated to Superyachts and all aspects of boating..

Many activities and workshops were organized to present the sector’s innovations, including the conference attended by Pietro Cappiello, CMC Marine’s Vice President and speaker of ‘Innovation: matching market needs and technology offers. Innovating the marine sector and discussing superyacht stabilization’. The conference addressed the theme of innovation, combining market needs with emerging technologies, focusing in particular on the issue of superyacht stabilization. It was no coincidence that CMC Marine, which revolutionized the yachting world with its introduction of electric stabilization systems, especially in the superyachts category, was invited to take part in these talks.

This meeting, which took place during the exclusive event dedicated to a carefully selected audience, included sponsors, exhibitors and over 150 celebrity guests, including captains, owners, yacht designers, etc.

There were two exhibition areas – the Innovation Lab and the Engineering Room- with a large outdoor area dedicated to sustainable technologies. This event aimed to disseminate information through discussions and workshops on the main innovations in the industry to give a more complete and prestigious picture of the world of superyachts, while also providing a unique perspective on the future of the boating industry.

CMC Marine stabilizzatore

It was why CMC Marine, invited to participate in the event, also decided to display its technologies to deepen the topics covered in the talk at its booth and to immerse interested parties in a unique virtual reality. Equipped with a VR visor, they were able to give an immersive experience to all those who wanted to better understand the superyacht stabilization by catapulting them to the helm of a virtual bridge, from which they could thoroughly understand the benefits of perfect stabilization.

Many were the reasons for pride CMC Marine was able to collect during the days in Barcelona, first and foremost the growing interest in electric stabilization, which linked to the theme of sustainability is one of the values the company has been promoting for many years, as Vice President Pietro Cappiello also claimed:

In recent years, the subject of excellent marine stabilization has been attracting ever greater interest on boats of various sizes and types. In the field of superyachts in particular, research is underway into innovative new solutions that can deliver the same results in a more compact form factor and above all with reduced consumption. That is why an event like the Superyachts Technology Show & Conference is one our company cannot afford to miss, because it can not only contribute to a constantly evolving debate, but also identify new insights for the development of new products. This type of event, with a programme involving not only speakers but also numerous opportunities for networking, encourages direct contact and an exchange of ideas with captains, crews, shipyards, designers and other professional figures.”

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